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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Shmedia Shmashup!

Hybrid Cars is an example of hybridity since it can use both gasoline and water to run its engine. Hybridity has been around us since we were born. Televisions that uses VCR boxes to view movies is a hybrid. Pens that has a highlighter at the other end of the tip is a hybrid. Objects that has a combination of multiple things or uses is part of the hybrid community. Hybrids helps us to do more with only one tool!

Hybrid in Art is similar, because there are many "characters" (objects in a way) included in the portrait. All of them are made into one with the use of photo editing, or just pure imagination. Many of these hybrid arts are now in the internet, but most of these are done with a photo editing program such as Photoshop. However, hybrid art doesn't usually mean that the art is made with just a digital photo manipulation software, but it could be combining two things into one. There are also many artists that can do Hybrid Arts, one of them being Stelarc who is an Australian performance artist. He uses robots to be part of his body to be part of his performance art.

How we experience Hybrid in our lives is that there is something for everything. Not just for us humans. Hybrid helps the environment clean with the use of hybrid cars, however in art it is visually more interesting to look at and even know about Hybrid art. Making hybrid art will make you use more of your imagination to make a hybrid art, but at the end everything is worth well done.

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