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Monday, November 27, 2006

PIXAR vs. Sailor Moon?

This topic has been debated so many times in the animation industry. We all know that hand-drawn animations were done with so many sheets of paper to make a story out of it. In today's world of animation, computers makes the job done easier for animators. They can even make life-like characters with computer rendering and many more!

PIXAR'S Toy Story is one of the computer rendered animation. Its characters, setting and the environment is very life like that you're almost actually watching toys going on rampage. Computer animation has very limited amount of hand drawing involve, unlike the old way of making animation, making a 1 minute video would probably take at least 3 days to draw. An example of a hand drawn animation is a Japanese animation Sailor Moon. Its original story was done through manga (Japanese technical way of saying comics), but when it wen't on television sets, its animation was originally done with hand drawings.

Animators that produce their film with hand-drawn animations, the production time is much more lengthy than computer graphic rendered animations. So at the end, the animators that get paid the most are the animators that work with computer rendered animations.

In my personal opinon, both are an excellent way to tell a story and to make art. But its even better if both type of animations are combined together.

2 Replies:

At 09:03, Blogger maeganfidelino said...

I thought this was really interesting because I had never considered before that animators who use computer rendered animations make more money.

At 22:46, Blogger Lesly said...

To tell the truth I have the same opinion!!! That's really weird!!!


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