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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Are Wii the Children of the Revolution?

Nintendo company introduced Wii to the public in late 2006 and it started big, positive opinions about the new system to join the competition. Many people thought that the Wii was the most "coolest" gaming console ever made, especially coming from Nintendo. This has brought the company higher and is now currently competing big with other major gaming console out in the market such as the Sony PlayStation 3 and XboX 360.

What people really liked about the system is the motion sensor device that is equipped in the controller. It is similar to a mouse that is equipped with a Bluetooth device (something that Konrad would have) which is a wireless mouse that sends it signal to any Bluetooth receiving device such as the MacBook.

Now in my opinion, I think the Wii is a technological revolution because it has caught many people's attention, even myself on this intelligent gaming console. How it gets people attention is again its motion sensor device, and also the games that are playable in the system which makes it more interactive. Playing baseball indoor is now possible by swinging the nunchuck (the controller) like a baseball bat, and pitching a ball by somehow throwing the nunchuck without actually breaking it (never ever do that... throwing nunchuck will cost you money. Just do a throwing action without releasing the nunchuck away from your hands!). I myself am a PlayStation user. I never really liked playing with the Nintendo consoles, but how it evolved from the simple GameBoy, to Nintendo DS and its touch screen, and now the Wii, Nintendo is now in the ball! I am just impressed!

The console just gives the consumer the ability play more interactive games and actually doing something than slitting your wrist, but most of all, playing the Wii is just hell of fun!!!

Remember, if you're playing a Wii, its like playing DDR, just not with your feet.

3 Replies:

At 23:15, Blogger Ed said...

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At 23:16, Blogger Ed said...

It's intresting to compare the Nintendo Wii with DDR, but can't you play DDR with a normal controller if you don't have the mat? Lets say you were tired and rather than jumping around on the mat you'd rather play DDR by button mashing on a controller. The Nintendo Wii doesn't allow that and you're sttuck swinging the nunchucks around. The Wii is still cool though, someone online made a joke about obtaining Wii muscles from playing baseball in the Nintendo Wii I thought that was pretty weird.

P.S. Sorry for the long post

At 20:42, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog but have you ever considered the Wii as being good for the users, physically? Yeah, it's a new way to game but it's not only for fun and convenience anymore, it can actually help out those who don't get enough exercise and hate exercising. Playing games while losing weight, it's awesome!


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