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Friday, April 13, 2007

Web 2[point]oh!

Web 2[point]oh! I believe is challenging us to rethink ourselves by making us do things that makes us not ourselves. Web 2[point]oh! basically turns people into manipulators. Manipulators of data and information. Since anyone is able to change data and manipulate it, a person can change how he or she does his work. Change profile, change identity, change lifestyle through data.

Now since anyone has the ability to change one self though technology, we change how we look into ourselves with technology. Its like peer pressure in my opinion, just without the peers.

2 Replies:

At 00:02, Blogger Largo said...

I think that just as in real life, there are people who lie and cheat on the internet. The internet facilitates these "evil-doers", but we should not let their existence skew our perception of the internet. It is like saying that since there are evil-doers in the real world the real world must be evil. To make grand sweeping conclusions ignores the fact that the internet (and the world) can bring good people together, can bring us happiness and joy, and allows us to connect with and make friend. We cannot let a few sour grapes ruin the bunch!

At 21:41, Blogger Ed said...

The power of the edit button is a powerful thing. I can edit mistakes or change my point of view if needed. I really never thought that the web had peer pressure, but lately I've begun to see a form of peer pressure online. In games, people strive for online social status, great looking avatars, and how many friends they have on facebook.


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